What We Do
Our Mission
To advocate, educate, and celebrate modern-day issues and narratives from modern-day youth.
Our Story
In December of 2019, one small acronym written in founder Olivia de Guzman's notes would come to the formation of Community Outreach and Activism Through Art, a student-led organization aimed at supporting young artists and their passions. Now with over fifty members, COATA provides an online platform for members to display their work and tell their story. Moving beyond the internet, COATA aims to offer support and services to other grass root movements and organizations our advocates believe in. Despite its initial creation aimed at bringing a voice for change, Community Outreach and Activism Through Art has become a reflection, movement, and narrative for youth in America and beyond.
What We Do
At COATA, young artists come together to create a platform and put their voices into the world. Members work together on a local and international scale, hoping to spread awareness, acceptance, and empathy. During the summer of 2020, a group of COATA members took part in the Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Frederick, Maryland. During the months of September and October, COATA hosted Paint and Protest events, allowing members and passersby to create artwork related to the Black Lives Matter movement that would later be posted around town. We work with other local organizations, as well, including a recent project with DC Teens Action.
We also release a monthly article; Mental Health Monthly. Each month, we send a prompt to our artists to encourage thought and artistic expression. We then post these submissions in installments that can be found on our website.
COATA recently began our Education Initiative project, in which we aim to tackle common problems students face in schooling. With recent communication with the high school principals of Frederick County Public Schools, as well as with Representative Jamie Raskin, COATA aims to introduce discussion around student mental health, as well as spark change in initiatives surrounding drug use/awareness, sexual education, and LGBTQ+ awareness.
We are most active on our Discord server, which holds a community of young artists from all over the world. Artists come together for support, communication, and more.
Olivia de Guzman, they/them
Founder and President
Phoenix, she/her
Communications Lead + CEO of cool hair
Yoko Cahill, she/her
Think Tank Lead + Bird Lover
A group of COATA members at the Botanical Gardens in Washington, DC
Are You Interested?
All youth are welcome to join. There are no participatory, artistic, or time obligations!
Use the contact information down below to join us today!