No. 2 Poems of Love, Loss, and Growth
When asked what the next issue of our monthly mental health newsletter should concern, many members wanted to share their experiences through poems. Compiled together are beautiful writings relating to love, loss, and personal growth.
J. F. Renn
The grip of the vice we call the past
Can sting, can burn, can scar to last,
But we hold on for God knows why
To sit, to ponder, to waste our time
While the world watches on in envious wrath
For every person with such gentle a path
That they can afford to worry for naught
That they can afford to remain distraught
In the face of everlasting peace and plenty
For we never know our blessings are many
Until finally a day is come
Where we rest our heads and become numb
From the pain of this world and the stories inside
That cause many a man to weep, to hide
Before angel or demon can cast shadow or light
And change pain to pleasure or contentedness to plight
So now I ask thee, if thou may,
What will appease thy mind this day?
I am
Olivia de Guzman
I am
The thunderstorm before the rainbow
Waiting to peek out from dusty grey clouds.
I am
The force of two dozen oxen
Pushing at their plows.
I am
the shaking of Earth
As new life is conjured out of chaos.
I am
The raging, tumbling sea,
Carrying the fish in my dance and song.
I am
Gentle as the billowing of a warm breeze
Kissing the leaves as I rattle through the trees.
I am
The quiet tears that no one hears
Except for those that spilled them.